Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Oxygen from Psalm 19 (Sun & Word)

1 The heavens proclaim the glory of God. 
      The skies display his craftsmanship. 
 2 Day after day they continue to speak; 
      night after night they make him known. 
 3 They speak without a sound or word; 
      their voice is never heard. 
 4 Yet their message has gone throughout the earth, 
      and their words to all the world.

   God has made a tent in the heavens for the sun. 
 5 It bursts forth like a radiant bridegroom after his wedding. 
      It rejoices like a great athlete eager to run the race. 
 6 The sun rises at one end of the heavens 
      and follows its course to the other end. 
      Nothing can hide from its heat.

 7 The instructions of the LORD are perfect, 
      reviving the soul. 
   The decrees of the LORD are trustworthy, 
      making wise the simple. 
 8 The commandments of the LORD are right, 
      bringing joy to the heart. 
   The ordinances of the LORD are clear, 
      giving insight for living. 
 9 Reverence for the LORD is pure, 
      lasting forever. 
   The laws of the LORD are true; 
      each one is fair. 
 10 They are more desirable than gold, 
      even the finest gold. 
   They are sweeter than honey, 
      even honey dripping from the comb. 
 11 They are a warning to your servant, 
      a great reward for those who obey them.

 12 How can I know all the sins lurking in my heart? 
      Cleanse me from these hidden faults. 
 13 Keep your servant from deliberate sins! 
      Don’t let them control me. 
   Then I will be free of guilt 
      and innocent of great sin.

 14 May the words of my mouth 
      and the meditation of my heart 
   be pleasing to you, 
      O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.

(Psalm 19)

Gracious God:

This song has two very definite parts: A and B.
A is the masterpiece of Bronze Age King David,  (v.1-6)
God is named El, the cosmos sings praise
in unending chorus, through nights and through days.

Shemosh, the Sun god of Canaanite worship,
here a boy bridegroom, arising with strength,
invigorate with joy, leaving his tent,
abandoning bride, races across heaven's expanse.

Then read Part B -- written much later by priests, (v.7-14)
Exile survivors who pore over scrolls,
worshipping not in outdoor celebration,
but inside the temple in chaste meditation.

God is named Yahweh, His Word is the key
to upright instruction and life as should be.
The golden prize is not Shemosh's bright orb
but the sweet honeyed Word, carefully absorbed. (v.10)

Taken together, part A and part B,
show us the breadth of God's righteous decrees;
his providence shows in the sun and the stars,
but his Holy Word written is clearer by far.

Mortals we have not a single excuse
Paul the Apostle teaches us plainly,
What may be known about God is made clear
Creation should move us to faith and to fear. (Romans 1:19)

But people ignore the skies and the Sun,
and off in a mad dash like Shemosh they run.
So God gave them up to a spiritual blindness
but never revoked his mercy and kindness.

So God spelled it out in his message to Moses,
his call to the prophets, his music for David;
God gave us His Word in four manifestations
that we might be ready for his visitations.

God speaks out instructions reviving the soul,
telling us how we might be made whole.
God pronounces decrees, His promises made
to make wise the simple as we make our way.  (v.7)

God issues commandments, the heart of the law,
letting us know what pleases Him most.
God gives clear ordinances, traditions that guide
our values and memories that keep faith alive.  (v.8)

But the intent behind every inspired Word,
the reason God breathed it out upon men,
is unmasking the sin that heart-hidden lies  (Romans 7:5)
beneath all the pretense and preening and pride. (v.12)

Lord, I would know the joy of Your Bridegroom
who ran through life's circuit suffused with love,
and gives human expression to the song of the spheres
and cancels sins debt and removes all our fears.

May every word that issues from my mouth
and the thoughts that cascade my mind
align with all Your revealed glory
in Your Creation and holy story.


Monday, January 30, 2012

Oxygen from Psalm 18:46-50 (Rock Praise)

 46 The LORD lives! Praise to my Rock!   
      May the God of my salvation be exalted! 
 47 He is the God who pays back those who harm me; 
      he subdues the nations under me 
    48 and rescues me from my enemies. 
   You hold me safe beyond the reach of my enemies; 
      you save me from violent opponents. 
 49 For this, O LORD, I will praise you among the nations; 
      I will sing praises to your name. 
 50 You give great victories to your king; 
      you show unfailing love to your anointed, 
      to David and all his descendants forever.

(Psalm 18:46-50)

Living Lord:

You are the reason that anyone finds
meaning and purpose and strength for our lives.
You are the reason we know any joy,
Your life, not ours, is the great cause celebre.

Everything else is mere shadow and shade,
Lacking all substance, mere shadowy trade;
bantering, blustering, take this for that,
Measuring progress by who outdoes whom.

Time is mere fallacy and bitter illusion,
power is relative to the delusion.
Only what's done for the Lord God will stand
and not topple over when all the world shakes.

Enemies frustrate and cause me to dwell
In my own muck only this side of hell;
Wondering, fearful and planning revenge,
Fantasic fantasies defining existence.

Faith comes to displace such unadorned malice,
lifts high the cross and then passes the chalice,
making of enemies a new communion,
making a Kingdom presentable to God.

God is alive and His people endure.
God is the Rock to which all souls may moor,
Though all the world pass away in an instant,
His Word is Anchor, His Promise secure.

Psalm 18 ends with the clearest distinction;
Israel's kings have all gone to extinction,
all but one Servant, whose victory stands,
God's own Anointed, the Lord raised from death.

Christ has become the chief cornerstone;
Christ is the source of God's unfailing love.
Only in Christ will all violence cease,
making subservient all other loves.

Praise to the Lord, Praise to His Christ,
Praise to the One who became sacrifice,
fulfilling the Law, while we lost in our sins,
powerless, hopeless and all vagabond,

Heard the Good News, the Spirit's appeal,
Father God calling for us to get real;
Drop the pretending, the suffering, shame,
Drop at the cross our quest for acceptance.

Lord, keep us faithful when evil assails us;
May we be certain your Spirit ne'er fails us.
Lord, keep us thankful that you are our Rock,
You are the steadfastness of this frail world.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Oxygen from Psalm 18:28-45 (Running on Bamahti Hill)

 28 You kept my lamp alight for me.   
      The LORD, my God, lights up my darkness. 
 29 In your strength I run a raiding party, 
      with my God I leap a wall.  (lit.)

 30  God’s way is perfect. 
      The word of the LORD is proven true. 
      He is a shield for all who look to him for protection. 
 31  For who is God except the LORD? 
      Who but our God is a solid rock? 
 32  God battle-dresses me with strength, 
      and he makes my way perfect. 
 33  He makes me as surefooted as a deer, 
      enabling me to stand on mountain heights (lit., Bamahti). 
 34 He trains my hands for battle; 
      he strengthens my arm to draw a bronze bow. 
 35 You have given me your shield of victory. 
      Your right hand supports me; 
      your gentleness has made me great. (lit.)
 36 You made a wide path for my feet 
      to keep them from slipping.

 37 I chased my enemies and caught them; 
      I did not stop until they were conquered. 
 38 I run through those who cannot rise; 
      they writhe beneath my feet. 
 39 You have armed me with strength for the battle; 
      you cause enemies to bow before me. 
 40 You placed my foot on their necks. 
      I have destroyed all who hated me. 
 41 They called for help, but no one came to their rescue. 
      They even cried to the LORD, but he refused to answer. 
 42 I ground them as fine as dust in the wind. 
      I shovel them like street muck. 
 43 You gave me victory over my accusers. 
      You appointed me ruler over nations; 
      people I don’t even know now serve me. 
 44 As soon as they hear of me, they submit; 
      foreign nations cringe before me. 
 45 They all lose their courage 
      and come trembling from their strongholds.

(Psalm 18:28-45)

Everlasting Father:

Psalm 18 praises You for deliverance,
providing refuge in the desert,  (vs.1-6)
rescue from a volcanic eruption, (vs.7-15)
and this miraculous victory in battle,
against all odds; David credits God.

The violence of this text may cause cringing,
but the warrior knows the horrors of war.
David credits You, Lord,  with victory at Bamahti,
(a word that appears only here
in all ancient literature).
At Bamahti was David trapped
in a gorge or wadi, canyon,
Philistines had hemmed him in,
and there appeared to be no escape.

But you, O Lord, kept his candle lit,  (v.28)
You showed your servant a way of escape,
and scampering over rocky footpaths (v.33)
David and his raiding party, (v.29)
like sure-footed mountain goats,
climbed the canyon walls,
bronze bows slung on their backs, (v.34)
found the safety of the path
that led around and behind  (v.36)
the Philistines encampment,
and breaking out of the darkness
You put the enemy to flight, (v.37)
routed them that night,
and those whom Joshua's men refused to kill, (Joshua 9)
in disobedience to the Lord,
David puts to death with the sword.

David renamed Bamahti Baal Parazim, (2 Sam. 5)
for there God proved his word was true,
You were for David "Lord of Breakthroughs."
What was true then militarily
is also true now spiritually;
whatever enemy we may face
Your Word puts it in its place,
that we may avoid defeat
and walk on heights with surer feet.
You give to us time and time and again
reason to trust you, Deliverer, Friend,
You never fail, even when we think You do,
You always bless, you always break through.

Break through my pride, chase it back
to where it cannot raise it's head,
and give me strong humility instead.
Break through my lusting appetites,
slay them all and make me right,
send Your Spirit in mighty surges
to defeat all filthy urges.
Break through habits I cannot handle,
when it's darkest, light the candle,
by which I may follow you
to purity of mind and motive.
Breakthrough my apathy, hard as stone,
melt my heart, make it your own.
Breakthrough anger that masks frustration,
hold my tongue in sequestration.
May every thing I do or say
bring glory to the Holy Name
of Him who died for me,
Jesus, Lord of Breakthroughs.

He broke through sin, He broke through death,
He broke through the curse, brought life instead.
He broke through the wrath of God,
He broke through the gates of hell,
He broke through when others ran,
He broke through and held my hand,
taking me with him through the breach,
to give me life and health and peace.
Oh, Holy Jesus, you make us run Bamahti,
You do not give us quick escape,
there is a risk that we must take,
as we confront the enemies of our souls,
the risk of trusting you alone,
to do what seems impossible.
Putting on your Spirit's armor  (Eph. 6:10-20)
we proceed in full battledress
upon the place of Your success,
to announce the great Good News:
You are the God of Breakthroughs.


Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Oxygen from psalm 18:25-27 (Wrestling)

 25 To the faithful you show yourself faithful;   
      to those with integrity you show integrity. 
 26 To those you've chosen you show yourself choice, 
      but to the wicked you show yourself a wrestler. (lit.)
 27 You rescue the humble, 
      but you humiliate the proud. 

(Psalm 18:25-27)

Faithful and Merciful God:

Someone wise once described the progression
of the human toward God's possession,
three stages of enlightening averred:
God, the Void,
God, the Enemy,
God, the Deliverer.

I thank you, Lord, I live in a land
where few have never heard of God.
As we sing and stir to patriotic song
we learn enough to get along;
that you bless and you provide
and we hope we're on your side.
This, the role of government:
to foster freedoms, heaven-sent,
protecting every right inalienable
that no Void could guarantee.

Yet, in spite of all this deference,
many deny Your truth and providence.
To these you are the Enemy.
Faithing only in what they see,
the cynics want You walled up in ghettos
where you can't touch their peccadilloes.
Science is their new religion,
abortion rights their sacrament,
the environment their transcendence.

With some you are the Wrestler,
like Jacob at Jabbock Creek,  (Gen. 32:22-28)
started life a cheating scoundrel,
but you chose him, gave him belief,
and not Esau who was such a better man,
sold his birthright and Your plan
for a pot of porridge,  (Gen.27)

So many for whom we pray
are good people who try their best
to do what they think is right
and we know that you will bless
by the rules of providence
that govern the whole creation
regardless of their justification. (Mt. 5:45)
But trusting God is not fable,
nor ancient myth for the disabled,
God has revealed himself, changed history,
not from Mt. Olympus or Valhalla,
but from Calvary and its nearby tomb.

I suppose the cynic sees in these words
the power of psychological projection,
but I see the power of faith
opened wide by doors of grace,
to know the true and living God,
not a man-made religious mirage,
in whom we may rest secure
and find the power to endure,
as have ten thousand generations
who have put their trust in Him
and found him faithful to the end. (Psalm 90:1-2)

So, Lord, may these for whom we pray
find in you exactly what they need.
We pray that you would confound
the enemies of the Gospel in this and every land,
and protect Your chosen saints
from persecution and despair.
For those whose health is so precarious,
we intercede knowing you care for us,
for Clarence and for his son,
for Ralph and Marcy and Shey,
sustain and show yourself
as their Healer and Great Physician.
For those who struggle against the tide,
for Drew and Melinda, for Diana,
for Jerry and Elizabeth,
be their tag-team partner, tapping in
when their resources are growing thin;
show your presence and your love,
save the poor, humble the proud.

We bless You in all time and places
and turn to you with shining faces
made radiant by your grace out-poured,
loving Savior, Holy Lord.
We dedicate ourselves to prayer
for your people everywhere.
To those who have never heard
bless those who bring your saving Word.
And to your enemies securely nestled
confound all evil and with them wrestle.
Guard your people; secure your claim,
we ask this all in Jesus name.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Oxygen from Psalm 18:16-24 (Rescued)

 16 He reached down from heaven and rescued me;   
      he drew me out of deep waters. 
 17 He rescued me from my powerful enemies, 
      from those who hated me and were too strong for me. 
 18 They attacked me at a moment when I was in distress, 
      but the LORD supported me. 
 19 He led me to a wide-open space; 
      he rescued me because he delights in me. 
 20 The LORD weans me according to my righteousness; 
      he restored me according to the cleanness of my hands. (lit.)
 21 For I have kept the ways of the LORD; 
      I have not turned from my God to follow evil. 
 22 All his judgements are before me; 
      His statues I turn not from me. (lit.) 
 23 I am complete with God;  (lit.) 
      I keep myself from iniquity. 
 24 The LORD turns me back according to my righteousness, (lit.)
      He sees the cleanness of my hands.

(Psalm 18:16-24)

Righteous God:

Here is an example of interpretations
masquarading as translations.
Why would scholars make your Word
say the exact opposite of what David wrote?

This is not David's self-congratulation
for his piety and innocence.
How could he claim to be
"a man after God's own heart"   (1 Sam. 13:14)
and contend his ways are perfect,
that You delight in such pride?

But that's not what he wrote or felt
or prayed to You when he knelt.
Sometimes we just have to write
in our Bible versions to get it right.
Believers -- get your pencil, pen;
verses 21-24 you should ammend.  (see literal translation above)

Evil cannot be random,
for it raises it's ugly head
at the moment most opportune
to inflict the greatest chaos,
to open up the deepest wound.  (v.18)

Why this summer of all seasons
in all our married lives together,
the one in which doctors deliver
both our potential death sentences,
why this summer and not another
does our priest come not to pray
but to threaten and to bully,
leaving us bereft of pastoral comfort?

Is that coincidence?  Is that random?
But thank you, Lord, you reached down
and gave us comfort from religion,
gave us disciples who would not let us drown.

And we, like David, knew God is stronger
than any evil purpose or plan,
to reach down and rescue His elect,
to be the Savior of sinful Man.
He reaches down his powerful hand
to draw his people from deep water,
like baby Moses, set afloat,
is rescued by Pharoah's daughter.

From deep waters, swirling chaos,
like baby Israel, trapped at the Sea,
Moses lifts the rod of God
and confounds the enemy.
Blown by wind from Yahweh's nostril,
Our great Deliverer there was found.
when the water stood like walls,
they walked  across on dry ground,
exposing bedrock smoothed by Providence.

Thank you, Lord, that you do delight
in saving stranded folks like us,
rescued not for our own sake,
but saving for the sake of Christ.
When we are in the tighest spots,
You set us in wide-open spaces,   (v.19)
opened so many new possibilities
where love and joy light our faces.

But when we start to congratulate
ourselves or credit luck or fate,
God weans us, lets us taste,
the gall of our self-righteousness.
When I think my hands are clean
of any evil or selfish pride,
my loving Father by His Spirit
inflicts my conscience mind
and restores me by repentance.   (v.20)

Then to His Holy Word God drives me  (v.21-22)
to give objective witness,
to confirm His character,
and declare His will is gracious. 
Truly by the Law's tough standard
I deserve to die for sins,    (Ezekiel 18:20, Rom.6:23)
but Christ has nailed them to His cross
and I am made complete in Him.    (v.23)

When I'm feeling I can do it
on my own without You, Lord,
You are faithful to show me quickly
Satan waits with his whole horde
to test my strength when I rely,
on my grit and not the Savior:
I'm back into that rocky tight spot,
crying out for Jesus' favor.  (v.24)

When people drown they lift their hands,
reaching up for what may save,
a universal sign of trouble,
not a greeting or a wave.
Help us recognize the drowning
and rush to give them aid,
so that they very signs of struggle
become the signs of Godly praise.

In our age of psychobabble
guilt and shame are set aside
but the Holy Spirit comes
and in our conscience does reside.
So help me listen to Your still small voice
that warns and by Your Scripture guides,
that I may always praise my Savior
and in his Word and life abide.


Monday, January 23, 2012

Oxygen from Psalm 18:7-15 (The Halocene)

 7 Then the earth quaked and trembled.   
      The foundations of the mountains shook; 
      a blast of heat to him. 
 8 Smoke poured from his nostrils; 
      fierce flames leaped from his mouth. 
      Glowing coals blazed forth from him. 
 9 He stretched out the heavens and came down; 
      murkiness was beneath his feet. 
 10 Mounted on a mighty angelic being, he flew, 
      soaring on the wings of the wind. 
 11 He shrouded himself in darkness, 
      veiling his approach with dark rain clouds. 
 12 Thick clouds shielded the brightness around him 
      and rained down hail and burning coals. 
 13 The LORD thundered from heaven; 
      the voice of the Most High resounded 
      amid the hail and burning coals. 
 14 He shot his arrows and scattered his enemies; 
      his lightning flashed, and they were greatly confused. 
 15 Then at your command, O LORD, 
      at the blast of your breath, 
   the bottom of the sea was seen, 
      and the foundations of the earth laid bare.

(Psalm 18:7-15 DKB translation from literal Hebrew)

Mighty God:

From Masada David saw a volcano blast the sky;
yes, volcanoes shook Israel in the Halocene.
But one eruption in particular inspired Psalm 18.

The birds were first to sense the pressure,
shrieking calamity, taking flight,
winging southwest to Aqaba.
Then stacked amphora chattered their alarm,
barely noticed, tinkling, rattling,
now falling over, tumbled, broken
something seismic growing stronger,
spilling wine and sleeping men from beds;
water dancing in the sisterns,
now the mountain lurches, a wall cracks,
vibrations, like a woman's birth pangs,
increase the tempo of sheer terror,
men are yelling, shouting orders,
but barely heard above the chaos
of mountains quaking, breaking ...  (v.7)

... and then silence...

for just a moment.
All look around, up, then down,
and then ... The Sound.

They had no words to describe
the ferocity of the VAAAROOOOMMMM,
the loudest they ever heard,
rippling the sky in a shock wave,
rumbling, thumbling,
coming from some distance, still,
the force to throw men backward,
bracing falls with arms outstretched,
and to the northeast horizon,
a flash and smoke and fountains of fire,  (v.8)
a bomb in Gilead.

David's men point to the eastern sun,
enveloped in cloud, peeking out  (v.9)
now and then from the glooming.
East winds hit the firery column,
rising, bending, streaking smoke , 
like a smudge above the mountains,
as if a mighty seraph pulls a chariot, (v.10)
and leaves a trail of ash and fire.
Then burning coals plop-plop like rain,
catch alight the grassy rooftops,
blaze a storehouse filled with grain.
Then the thick cloud of choking dust (v.11)
drives all to shelter in the cliff face,
more shakings and new tremors,
sounding like the voice of God, (v.12)
moments before a wave of smoke and heat
sweeps across the valley floor and up,
burning, searing, gaseous billow;
men with scarves over faces,
peer from deep shadowed caves (v.13)
and see the Dead Sea crater bottom, (v.15)
as deep as Masada height.

Such signs Moses saw on Sinai,
lightening, cloud, and fiery wind.
So David sees a prophetic vision
in this cataclysmic morning,
a theophany, a revelation, 
of deliverance for God's people,
those who trust God alone to save; (v.4-6)
when God's people are safely gathered,  (Heb 9:28)
comes this blast of destruction
and Messiah's epiphany.

Jesus used imagery from this Psalm
to describe his second advent,  
when He returns with power and glory,
to rescue his beloved bride
and take possession of the Earth.
Shaking moutains, fire from heaven,
skyward signs herald the end of epoch,
destruction of the Halocene.

Such forces as can destroy the world
lie deep within its molten core,
orbit in the asteroid belt,
rocks colliding, bumped from orbit,
on an earth-bound trajectory;  (Rev.18:21)
each event fits the Lord's scenario
that accompanies his return --
exploding dust and ash
turn the moon to blood, blot out the sun,  (Mark 13:24-27).
pyroclastic Armageddon.

So the Scriptures the end portray,
when the last man has been betrayed,
and the world helpless cowers
in the fire of meteor showers,
Jesus then will appear
and by His Word the sky will clear (2 Peter 3:10)
and the sea will disappear  (Rev. 21:1)
to make room for new Jerusalem,
coming as a bride adorned
for her husband, for her Lord. (Rev 21:2)

Save us from all fearfulness.
Save us from all faithlessness.
Let courage be our watchword always,
for we trust your timing and grace.
Help us not to love this world
except as creation bears You witness,
and at that hour of Earth's demise,
when Your wrath shall be unloosed,
we will then know the whole Truth,
we shall with upturned eyes
behold Him who was our sacrifice,
Jesus Prophet, Priest, and King
our righteousness, our everything.


Friday, January 20, 2012

Oxygen from Psalm 18:1-6 (Stronghold)

 1 I will love you, LORD;    
      you are my strength. 
 2 The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; 
      my God is my high cliff, in whom I find protection. 
   He is my shield, the power that saves me, 
      and my place of safety. 
 3 I called on the LORD, who is worthy of praise, 
      and I am saved me from my enemies.

 4 The ropes of death entangled me; 
      floods of Belial (the Destroyer) terrified me. 
 5 The grave wrapped its ropes around me; 
      death laid a trap in my path. 
 6 But in my distress I cried out to the LORD; 
      yes, I prayed to my God for help. 
   He heard me from his sanctuary; 
      my cry to him reached his ears.

(Psalm 18:1-6)

God Our Rock:

Your people shout our love for You
and listening, trace back ancient echoes,
down sheer canyon walls of praise:
God, our rock, our fortress tower,
our Deliverer and awesome Power.

What joy explodes on mind and soul
when I cease to run from You,
and turn and find You, truest Friend,
leading upward to faith's fortress.

Strongest citadel, mountain aerie,
Shelter me within Your sanctuary
Help me find the sinner's refuge,
out-running wraiths of death

that would bind me in their chains,
while I, frantic for Your grace, 
lay hold of Bema's golden seat
and crying, spent, find mercy there.

We pray for those in distress,
who face loss and uncertainness.
We intercede for those who mourn,
whose hearts and homes and hopes are torn
by fury or by apathy,
both arch enemies of Your love.

We pray for those far away
We miss them more than words can say.
Protect them so they may receive
all the blessings for belief.
May those who suffer from any sickness,
know the height and depth and thickness
of Your towering strength and freedom.
Be their strength and in peace lead them.

Belial, the Great Destroyer,
has been beaten by our Christ;
and the Deceiver who would entrap us,
in cords of death bind and wrap us,
is bound himself, thrown in the Pit,
and from the safety of God's stronghold,
we await the promised day 
God's Messiah splits the skies
and we are wrapped in Heaven's rapture .


Thursday, January 19, 2012

Oxygen from Psalm 17 (Sanctuary)

1  Righteous Lord, listen to my cry for help. 
   Pay attention to my prayer, 
      for it comes from honest lips. 
 2 Declare me innocent, 
      for you see those who do right.

 3 You have tested my thoughts and examined my heart in the night. 
      You have scrutinized me and found nothing wrong. 
      I am determined not to sin in what I say. 
 4 I have followed your commands, 
      which keep me from following the Destroyer. 
 5 My steps have stayed on your path; 
      I have not wavered from following you.

 6 I am praying to you because I know you will answer, O God. 
      Bend down and listen as I pray. 
 7 Show me your unfailing love in wonderful ways. 
      By your mighty power you rescue 
      those who seek refuge from the Enemy. 
 8 Guard me as you would guard your own eyes. 
      Hide me in the shadow of your wings. 
 9 Protect me from Destroyer who attacks me, 
      from murderous enemies who surround me. 
 10 They are without pity. 
      Listen to their boasting! 
 11 They track me down and surround me, 
      watching for the chance to throw me to the ground. 
 12 They are like hungry lions, eager to tear me apart— 
      like young lions hiding in ambush.

 13 Arise, O LORD! 
      Stand against them, and bring them to their knees! 
      Rescue me from the wicked with your scimitar! 
 14 By the power of your hand, O LORD, 
      destroy those who look to this world for their reward. 
   But satisfy the hunger of your treasured ones. 
      May their children have plenty, 
      leaving an inheritance for their descendants. 
 15 Because I am righteous, I will see you. 
      When I awake, I will see you face to face and be satisfied.
(Psalm 17)

Righteous Lord:

Thank you that by Christ's atoning death and vindication
you declare us righteous, right with God, forgiven;
by Your Word alone and not by any work or worth in us.   (Romans 3:21-25)
You call to order Heaven's Courtroom and declare,
"Not guilty."

Oh, how the franchised Holy Church(tm) hates the very thought
of forensic sin and the merit Christ has freely wrought,  
depriving clergy and their lawyers of something they can sell,
or hold, like the sword of Damocles, the mythic keys of Hell
to force comformity.

Test my thoughts and heart, O God.  Scrutinize my every way.
Save me from my soul's Destroyer. Keep me on the narrow way.  (Mt. 7:13-14)
As ancient law-breakers fled to six refuge cities  (Numbers 35:9)
to escape a kinsman's wrath, I fly to You, O God,
for safe sanctuary.

Your Holy Spirit comforts me, confirms, conforms me to Your will;
like mother eagle enfolds her eaglet to protect it from the chill,
enfold me in your loving care; guard me as you would Your eyes
in the maelstrom of gritty life.

Your scimitar is my defense, the twin-edged sword, Your Holy Word,  (Heb., 4:12)
the constitution of my hope, the promises that sound absurd
to those perishing in the world, grasping for what cannot last, (1 Cor. 1:18)
turned to ash in judgement.

I praise You that one day I'll see You, bow before Christ's presence,
but until then, I pray for faithfulness in us and our descendents,
by whom Your purpose for each human family shall be confirmed,
Your love goes on.


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Oxygen from Psalm 16 (Time Traveler)

1 Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge.  
 2 I say to the LORD, “You are my Lord; 
   I have no good apart from you.”

 3 As for the saints in the land, they are the excellent ones, 
   in whom is all my delight.

 4 The sorrows of those who run after another god shall multiply; 
   their drink offerings of blood I will not pour out 
   or take their names on my lips.

 5 The LORD is my chosen portion and my cup; 
   you hold my lot. 
 6 The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; 
   indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance.

 7 I bless the LORD who gives me counsel; 
   in the night also my heart instructs me. 
 8 I have set the LORD always before me; 
   because he is at my right hand, I shall not be shaken.

 9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my whole being rejoices; 
   my flesh also dwells secure. 
10 For you will not abandon my soul to Sheol, 
   or let your holy one see corruption.

11 You make known to me the path of life; 
   in your presence there is fullness of joy; 
   at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

(Psalm 16)

God of Glory:

He was our world's time traveler,
He Who is Sin's great Unraveler,
David's muse, David's Son 
whom David Lord did call.     (v.2)
A thousand years before He came along,
Your Son inspired David's songs
to sustain His human soul
a millenium hence.

For Him there would be no refuge
in the Second Temple deluge,
when grace was gone
and Romans ringed Your Holy Hill.
He could talk with no one then
except some men he called his friends.
He invited them to follow Him
and learn the timeless Word.

But they proved dense as brick,
never understanding, thick.
He could not count on them,
not then anyway.
But on Pentecost they would inherit
the Comforter, the Holy Spirit,
Who would guide them into truth
that would make sense of time.

These Psalms were Christ's own counsel,
hid in plain sight, a time capsule,
set before Him every day;
while he sojourned the world.
In them our Christ found great peace,
joy and comfort, sweet relief,
for the horrors that awaited,
described in Psalm 22.

But in 16 He left a note
to sustain Him; there he wrote,
like the time traveler carves a tree
and going forward in time finds 
weathered letters in the bark,
higher than the lazy lark
can fly; messages enduring
the ravages of time.

As fully man He knew that pain
would scream to Him to refrain
from hope. Curse God and die!   (Job 2:9)
But here He traced that ancient text;
Your flesh may die but not decay;
corruption shall not rule the day,
Death is not the end for You.
Golgotha leads to God's right hand.  (v.11)

Now He who visited Abraham,  (Genesis 18:1f)
Who was Moses' great I AM,   (Exodus 3:14)
has returned victorious to his throne,
where will be our future home.
But still endures the Living Word,
preserved throughout all time,
the time traveler's songs
to help us as we go along.

Help us trust when all seems lost
Your will is worth whatever it costs.
And the thought that sustained our Lord
as he suffered on Calvary
was not heavenly streets of gold,
or Gospel conquest, long and bold,
but it was of us, redeemed sinners,
his true inheritance.   (v.3)

Bless you, Ever Living Lord,
by all time and Earth adored.
though in this chrysalis of time
we temporarily cocoon;
make known to us the way of Life
that honors Christ and loves the right,
and with the Bread and Paschal cup,   (v.5)
travel time ourselves.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Oxygen from Psalm 15 (Mission)


1 O LORD, who shall sojourn in your tent? 
   Who shall dwell on your holy hill?

 2 He who walks blamelessly and does what is right 
   and speaks truth in his heart; 
3 who does not slander with his tongue 
   and does no evil to his neighbor, 
   nor takes up a reproach against his friend; 
4 in whose eyes a vile person is despised, 
   but who honors those who fear the LORD; 
who swears to his own hurt and does not change; 
5 who does not put out his money at interest 
   and does not take a bribe against the innocent. 
He who does these things shall never be moved.

(Psalm 15)

This short psalm continues the thoughts of Psalm 14: the corruption of Second Temple Judaism and David's message to his descendant who would reign forever -- Messiah Jesus.  

Gracious God:

These Psalms appear on initial reading
simple peons to righteousness;
but they are so much more.
What looks at times like impossible behavior
was not written first for us, but for the Savior,
God's cryptic code, written centuries before,
Holy Spirit preserved, to guide the Lord
in His daily walk on earth, 
singing songs He himself inspired,
and left behind as crumbs might mark a path,
The Way back from darkness, back from death,
in this cold world foreign to His deity;
golden glimpses of the glory He will gain
from His mission against which flesh conspires 
to make His struggle all worthwhile.    (Hebrews 12:2)

He can not reform the wicked priesthood
who tore down David's Tabernacle  (tent)
that sojourned throughout the land,
in favor of Herod's rock-ribbed Temple,
squatting like a festooned bedouin
on the holy hill of Zion;
Messiah's mission, should he choose to accept,
is not reformation but destruction
of these stones piled one on another,   (Mark 13:1-2)
to leave standing the Second Adam,
Prophet-Priest-King Who binds up all Sacred Writ
in his risen body, spangled;
He does away with all pomp and ritual,
ends blood sacrifice with his own forever,  (Hebrews 10:12)
restores the remnant who trust in grace 
to new Covenant and Heavenly feast;
and ascends the Heavenly Throne,
Our one and only Priest,
forever like Melchizadek.  (Hebrews 7)

We read the description of the priesthood
qualified to ascend God's holy hill, 
and find their rightful place in worship,
and know it cannot be us of whom David writes;
my recent thoughts and deeds
match pretty well the vile sinner's plight.
You cannot our sinful nature reform,    (Epheisans 2:1)
it must be destroyed upon your cross,
to raise from my spiritual dross
the tent of faith in which You sojourn,
move in daily pilgrimmage,   
and like David danced before the ark,  (2 Samuel 6)
Your presence is all joy of Life.
Thank you, Jesus, for standing firm,
unmoved more than Herod's stones,
toppled every one and burned
by hordes of heathen fresh from Rome;
But You have won for us God's glory,
to lead us on our journey home.
