Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Oxygen for Advent (Mary)

In the sixth month of Elizabeth’s pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Nazareth, a village in Galilee,  to a virgin named Mary. She was engaged to be married to a man named Joseph, a descendant of King David.  Gabriel appeared to her and said, “Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you!”  Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean.  “Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel told her, “for you have found favor with God!"
(Luke 1:26-30)

Mary to Me

Lord Jesus:

Forgive my atittude toward your mother,
but You can't believe what some brothers
have done in the name of Christianity:
they've made your Mom a diety.
The Pope once declared 
that every blessing God would share
comes through Mary to us mortals.
It's enough to make me chortle.

Some believers have gone so far
as to declare Mary co-Redeemer.
Hail Mary, favored one, the Lord is with you!
that's what Gabriel said 
outside the grotto where she lived.
but it's not a prayer the angel makes.
He doesn't recite the Rosary.
Prayer to people is blasphemy,
and prayers to the dead necromancy,
deserving the death penalty in the Law.

Their idolatry doesn't stop there.
So she could her divinity share
bishops concoct 
that Mary was virgin-born, too!
What are we supposed to do
when Christians get so off base,
when they your Sacred Word efface
with pagan superstition
to make of Joseph's girl the Roman Diana?
These conjurers of Mary's elevation
are not the brothers weaker
with whom we must be patient (Romans 14).
Luther their betrayal proved,
95 truths nailed at Wittenburg.

Should we believe Mary intercedes
for us to Christ for all our needs?
That is not Scripture's affirmation;
Jesus is the only way to salvation,  (Acts 4:12)
and the divinity of our Savior
is not inherited from Mary's special favor.
Gracious? yes; Favored? true;
She was special, our mutual Father knew.
But there is only one Mediator
for us to God -- You are our only intercessor. (1 Timothy 2:5)

Listen -- Mary herself puts to rest
these notions some confess,
for why else in her Magnificat
does she thank her Savior God?  (Luke 1:47)
A sinless God-mom has no need
for a Savior to whom to plead
and undo the curse of Adam.
That's the Son's work, not a madam's.

But help me neither under-estimate
Mary's openness to God, her trusting faith
that made her reputation suffer scandal
in Nazareth town. Would Joseph annul
their marriage when she turns up pregnant
and she claims God is the parent?
Is this what it means to find God's favor? 

Lord, Your mother's faith is undeniable.
Help us to Your will be so pliable
to set aside risk to reputation,
and accept Your Spirit's invitation
to acknowledge our sinful need
and forgiveness and faith receive
just like Mary, just like me,
to start a journey that leads past Calvary
to the open tomb, our womb to eternal life.


Gabriel appeared to her and said, “Greetings, favored woman! The Lord is with you!”  Confused and disturbed, Mary tried to think what the angel could mean. “Don’t be afraid, Mary,” the angel told her, “for you have found favor with God! You will conceive and give birth to a son, and you will name him Jesus.  He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his ancestor David. And he will reign over Israel forever; his Kingdom will never end!”  Mary asked the angel, “But how can this happen? I am a virgin.”  The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God.
(Luke 1:28-35)


Eternal and Overshadowing God:

When I was last in Nazareth town
Communists marached up and down
the streets to loudly celebrate
someting or another.
Red flags unfurled
by boys and girls
and organizer's with wads of money.

But over two millenia ago
no Nazarene saw the glow
of angel fire from the grotto
where Mary wakes from dreaming.
Gabriel gives his mysterious greeting,
explains the purpose of their meeting:
this girl will be overshadowed
to birth Your Holy Son.

At first she may have suspected
that Joseph would not be neglected,
in the procreative act.
But Gabriel describes
how You will reach inside
her womb and plant the seed
that sets all Israel free.

What does overshadow mean?
She's only twelve or maybe thirteen.
Will it hurt? Will she die?
And what will Joseph do?
Will her carpenter beau be forced
to give her a certificate of divorce,
or will this angel also appear
to him for overshadowing?

How like the gift of saving faith
You plant in us for Jesus' sake.
We hear the Word of God announced
and You make us new creations;
body and soul inundating
something new in us creating
and that which overshadows
is the power of the cross.

Like Mary, we are given
power straight from heaven,
Holy Spirit energy from Christ
to satisfy Your righteous Law.
Receiving all, I did not labor
nor do anything to win Your favor,
but by grace You claimed me,
named me as Your very own.

So, we, too, become Your children
conceived not of human choice or blood,
but by the precious Word 
You make us be re-born.        (1 Peter 1:23)
To those who receive Him,
in faith believe Him,     (John 1:11-12)
we, with Mary, find Your overshadowing love
secured by grace forever more.


The angel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So the baby to be born will be holy, and he will be called the Son of God. What’s more, your relative Elizabeth has become pregnant in her old age! People used to say she was barren, but she’s now in her sixth month. For nothing is impossible with God.”  Mary responded, “I am the Lord’s servant. May everything you have said about me come true.” And then the angel left her.
(Luke 1:35-38)

Nothing is Impossible

Heavenly Father:

Nothing is impossible with you.
There isn't anything You can't do.
Your Word never returns to You
that it does not accomplish what You purpose. (Isaiah 55:11)

Your majesty we must acclaim
and bow our knee at the name          (Phil 2:9)
of Him who did not leave us the same
as when He found us dead in sin.      (Eph.2:1)

When we were barren and spiritually dead
You let us hear the Gospel said
and awakened soul and head
to know the joy of heart-felt reason.

Impossible is not a word
You, O Lord, have ever heard
or sanctioned when we uttered
prayers of paniced desparation.  (Lk 18:27)

Your only impossibility
is what You do not will for me.
Unanswered prayer can only mean
Your plans for me exceed my grasp.  (Eph. 3:20)

If we would our trials confront
with Your strength and not our grunt, (Romans 12:12)
we might escape the awful rut
of trial and error in our walk.  (Mark 14:36)

Let me see Your work in others,
that encouraged by sisters, brothers
I might follow You, no other
in Your faith and fear always.

And when Your angels will depart
No fear or doubt shall hold my heart.
I need never fall apart.
With You nothing is impossible.  (Mt. 17:20)


In those days Mary hurried to the hill country of Judea, to the town where Zechariah lived. She entered the house and greeted Elizabeth. At the sound of Mary’s greeting, Elizabeth’s child leaped within her, and Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit. Elizabeth gave a glad cry and loudly exclaimed to Mary, “God has blessed you above all women, and your child is blessed.  Why am I so honored, that the mother of my Lord should visit me? When I heard your greeting, the baby in my womb jumped for joy. You are blessed because you believed that the Lord would do what he said.”
(Luke 1:39-45)


Holy Father God:

When did Mary Your Christ conceive?
As the angel spoke the word,
or later when Nazareth she leaves,
or while staying with Elizabeth?

And why did she to Judea flee?
Eighty miles or more her trek.
Not to escape public shame
for no one yet knows her God-given secret.

Was it for Joseph's reputation?
If she's gone from Nazareth
and people do the nine month calculation,
Joseph's faithfulness remains unsullied.

That may have been Your strategic plan
but Mary's rush to leave her village
and risk the dangers of robber bands
is something more impetuous and human.

Mary needs some confirmation
of this miracle announced. 
Elizabeth may offer some consolation
and let her know this Gabriel is real.

As she traverses country and towns,
she's all but ignored by decent folk.
Men look her up and down.
Is she orphaned or prostitute?

No decent woman would ever make
such a journey on her own.
Robbers, kidnappers, snakes!
A girl alone on the road isn't prudent.

Her journey takes half a week.
She arrives at Bethhaccerem (today's Ein Karem),
She inquires, "Zechariah's house I seek."
Strangers point her to a grotto.

Under the rocky ledge protruding
sits an old woman in shaded recess
behind a pot of soup she's brooding,
til looking up she sees her road-weary niece.

Elizabeth with uncertainty blinks,
then a smile wrinkles her weathered face.
She's not sure just what to think,
but gingerly rises to receive Mary's greeting.

Mary sees her bulging abdomen
"Sal-am alekim, Peace to you!"
She tents her hands, bows her head.
Elizabeth starts to reply, when little John jolts.

First Elizabeth is wide-eyed in surprise,
then joy paints her wisened countenance,
she carresses her belly, tears in her eyes;
With holy recongition she grasps Mary's hands.

She looks the virgin up and down,
then lifting gnarled hands in bendiction,
suddenly she utters such a sound
that echoes all across the village.

Elizabeth sings with voice sublime
the Spirit's Psalm of confirmation.
Mary drops the travel bag at her side,
swept up in Lizzy's inspiration.

John, a fetus still safe and warm,
leaped at the sound of Mary's voice,
the Baptist's mission first performed,
identifies Messiah's coming.

Listen -- even Mary needed confirmation
of the Holy Word of God.
We may also seek direction
to know what God would have us do.

Like Mary we must risk a journey,
go where e'er the Spirit leads,
and find the people who read plainly
Your Holy Word in order to obey.

For God does not His Word contradict
He cannot to Himself be false.    (2 Timothy 2:13)
Though many doubt and try to trick
those He's chosen to despair.     (2 Peter 2)

When we don't know what to do,
may we in Your word confide
and trust that where one or two
believers meet Your Spirit guides. (Mt 18:20)

Thank you, God, for confirmation
of Your working in our lives
through Godly friends, their inspiration,
Your Living Word within us born.

May we, too, be blessed
for believing what the Lord has said.
So we, like Mary, may be possessed
of Heaven's love and confidence.


I will bless the LORD at all times; His praise shall continually be in my mouth.  My soul shall make its boast in the LORD; The humble shall hear of it and be glad. Oh, magnify the LORD with me, And let us exalt His name together.
(Psalm 34:1-3)

 46 Mary responded,
   “Oh, how my soul praises the Lord.
    47 How my spirit rejoices in God my Savior!
 48 For he took notice of his lowly servant girl,
      and from now on all generations will call me blessed.
 49 For the Mighty One is holy,
      and he has done great things for me.
 50 He shows mercy from generation to generation
      to all who fear him.
 51 His mighty arm has done tremendous things!
      He has scattered the proud and haughty ones.
 52 He has brought down princes from their thrones
      and exalted the humble.
 53 He has filled the hungry with good things
      and sent the rich away with empty hands.
 54 He has helped his servant Israel
      and remembered to be merciful.
 55 For he made this promise to our ancestors,
      to Abraham and his children forever.”

 56 Mary stayed with Elizabeth about three months and then went back to her own home.
(Luke 1:46-55)


Almighty Father:

How does a Galilean peasant girl compose
such a psalm of praise?
Skeptics say she didn't write it,
that it comes from much later days.

Mary includes eight Scripture references:
from the Law, the Prophets, and Psalms.
I confess when I read or hear it sung
I, too, have had some qualms.

But could it be that Mary sang this song 
not just once but many times?
Was it sung in Galilee
by women in their worship and nursery?

Study the Magnificat --
there's nothing uniquely Christian there.
It's Old Testament through and through.
For every handmaiden, this was her prayer:

To give birth to the Messiah Savior,
the righteous revolutionary
come to make the haughty pay.
Is that what's in the mind of Mary?

Is that the context for her praise?
Did she suddenly realize
this song she's sung from early days
is coming true in front of her eyes?

Luke develops the theme of women
in the Gospel story he's weaving.
And Mary quite especially
is the model of true believing.

She not only hears the Word of God,
it saturates her every moment,
and hearing she responds with faith,
accepts it with joy triumphant.

But more than mere intellectual assent
Mary acts on what she knows,
no matter what the consequence,
when God speaks, she goes.

Lord, the truest place of Godly tradition 
is our souls and minds to prepare
that by repetition we aren't surprised
when You act to answer prayer.

Help us, like Mary, accept your Word,
make it faith's sure foundation,
that joyously we too may sing
and celebrate your Incarnation.


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