Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Oxygen from Psalm 27 (Lulav)


Psalm 27 is clearly intended for use during the Feast of Tabernacles (or Sukkot).  A literal translation of verse 5 clearly references the little huts or booths of the Jewish Thanksgiving holiday.  Another clear reference visible only in the Hebrew is the first word in verse 13 is Lula.  This may have been an instruction to wave the lulav (like Selah was an instruction in some Psalms for a musical interlude).  The Lulav is a sheif of myrtle branches, willow branches and a palm leaf bound with a golden threat that is waved during this special Feast.

Still another tradition around this feast was the special illumination of the Temple at night (perhaps seen in verse 4).  Finally, for each of the seven days of the Feast, a large golden jar filled with water and another filled with wine were poured into the large basin at the foot of the altar.  The mixture would run down the side of the Temple Mount into the Kidron Valley.  This was accompanied with prayers for rain and provision for crops in the months ahead.  But verses 2 and 10-13 show the continuing theme of Psalm 26 -- being unfairly persecuted.

Yahweh is my light and my salvation;
whom shall I fear?
Yahweh is my stronghold,
of whom shall I be afraid?

When my wicked enemies drew near to devour my flesh (see Psalm 26:1)
my foes stumbled and fell.
Even if an army should encamp against me,
my heart shall not fear.
Through war should erupt against me,
I go on trusting (Yahweh).

One thing I desire of Yahweh,
One thing I am seeking;
that I may live in Yahweh's house
all the days of my life,
to witness Yahweh's beauty,
to make petition in His Temple.

When trouble comes He will hid me in His hut (booth),
he will conceal me in the tabernacle's secret hiding place,
then set me high upon the Rock.
From this vantage point, high above my enemies,
I offer the sacrifices of joy,
singing and praising tabernacled Yahweh.

Hear my voice, Yahweh, as I call;
be gracious and answer me.
He answered, "Seek my face."
Your face, Yahweh, I am seeking.

Do not hid your face from me.
Do not turn aside from your servant in anger.
Become my help.
Do not abandon me or forsake me,
God of my salvation.

When my father and my mother forsake me,
Yahweh will gather me up.
Direct me in your way, Yahweh;
guide me in your level paths
because of my enemies.

Do not deliver my life to my foes;
false witnesses rise up against me
breathing violence.


I believe I will see the goodness of Yahweh
in the land of the living!
Wait expectantly upon Yahweh!
Courage! Yahweh will strengthen your heart!
Wait expectantly upon Yahweh.

(Psalm 27  DKB Interplation)

Lord Jesus,

We make procession on this festal day
waiving lulavs, twigs bound with golden thread,
anticipating Your glorious harvest of the earth.

As my light, you are the world's true Light!  (John 8:12)
You are my only hope of heaven,
my fortress strong and secure.

As light, You show the way to the Father;
Your enemies stumble in foul darkness
while I walk by faith a straightened path.

Not without trouble is Your way,
but Your promises set ablaze
the trail of tears with incandescent hope.

As salvation, I await Your Day,
when by death or trumpet sound
I shall transcend this shabby hut

to find my life, once hid with Christ,  (Colossians 3:3)
our true Tabernacle raised in glory,.
no longer secret, now set on high with Him.

You invite us each to pray 
and find the fortress of your grace,
"Leave all to me, seek my face."

O help me wait, Lord Christ,
not with thumbs a-twiddle
but with faith and courage kindled,
love and mercy lulav-bound
with the golden thread of prayer.


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