The seventy-two returned with joy, saying, "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in your name!"
(Luke 10:17)
Victorious God:
Witches, ghouls, and demons!
Death comes knocking at my door!
Prowlers after sundown!
Evil in my neighborhood?
At any other time of year
these fearful apparitions
strike terror in the heart.
But it's Halloween,
the Christian festival
that puts fear to flight
and unmasks demons and the like
as harmless children
prompting laughter
and recognition.
All Hallow's Eve,
Christ-bearers' opportunity
to testify to Your authority
that every demon, every ghoul
is subject to Your Christ.
We have no fear of death and Satan
though Scripture warns
we must be wise
to the tactics of the Temptor.
But this night of all nights,
is a time for fun,
for meeting neighbors,
for dressing up in silly clothes
and going door to door
with full assurance
that perfect love drives out fear
in the sufficiency of Christ,
that every Satanic trick
is undone by Heaven's treat.
Razor blades in apples!
Straight pins in candy!
The world does not so much inform
as alarm us of all such threats
that could undo us,
could injure and surprise us
from psychos living on our block!
It's another demon tactic --
take something that may have happened
once somewhere and make it the basis
of ungodly obsession,
giving evil more credit
than it deserves in God's providence.
But if we practiced neighbor love
then wouldn't we identify
the people on our street
damaged by the lack of love?
It is the cowering in fear
that makes the world more fearful.
Those seventy-two
sent out to heal
were not apostles;
whatever gift and authority
they received from You
belongs to us as well.
Save us from becoming
fearful killjoys in Your world
advancing Satan's agenda
by condemning Halloween?
This holiday was for believers
in its early days:
A day to celebrate Christ's victory
over death and hell.
If believers do not claim it,
its truth will go the way of Christmas,
cut off from history and Incarnation,
a celebration
of childhood greed
and merchandising zeal.
Every culture known to man
has its annual Day of the Dead,
a time to pacify mean spirits
and make offerings to the underworld.
Lord, make this day our witness,
we who know death's outcome,
we who live by grace
this side of resurrection.
We need not fear death's alarm
we cower not in dread.
We unmask demonic power
following where Christ has led.
And on whatever other night
fear o'ertakes what faith believes,
when death and demons come a-calling
help us recall all Hallow's Eve;
Help us know your love and power
that we may laugh at every threat
to Your Sovereign grace and mercy
secure in life, secure in death.
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