While Peter and John were addressing the people, the priests, the chief of the Temple police, and some Sadducees came up, indignant that these upstart apostles were instructing the people and proclaiming that the resurrection from the dead had taken place in Jesus.
They arrested them and threw them in jail until morning, for by now it was late in the evening. But many of those who listened had already believed the Message—in round numbers about five thousand! The next day a meeting was called in Jerusalem. The rulers, religious leaders, religion scholars, Annas the Chief Priest, Caiaphas, John, Alexander—everybody who was anybody was there. They stood Peter and John in the middle of the room and grilled them: "Who put you in charge here? What business do you have doing this?"
(Acts 4:1-7)
Great and Eternal God:
Your kingdom almost never explodes
from the franchise of the priestly,
but from solitary, Spirit-drenched missionaries
and healed beggars
proclaiming the risen Savior's name.
Five thousand new believers
inside the Temple -- of all places!
No wonder the police were fetched,
no wonder the know-it-alls
and their snotty supervisors
come on the run.
Something exploded the franchise.
Tradition's precincts have been crossed!
It's a five-alarm Holy Spirit fire
that every Torquemada is keen to quench.
Peter and John -- mere "laymen"!
The shock, the unmittigated gall,
that their words could be,
would be The Evangel.
They're not licensed by the windbags;
they're not qualified by elders.
They were not born to priestly family
or inducted to the party in power.
Still, they bear a sweeter authority,
their calling from Christ
and the fruits of their proclamation
is proof of apostolicity.
Forgive Your church, O Lord, when we,
like Simon Magus (Acts 8:9-25) or Balaam(Acts 2 Peter 2:14-16),
wish to pay the professionals
to do our study,
to lead our worship ,
to care for the sick and dying,
to bear a ministry rightfully ours.
Is it any wonder these churches become
little more than preacher unions,
pension plans pretending sanctimony.
Where there is no prophetic proclamation of Your Word,
the people, Lord, the people perish (Proverbs 29:18).
Heal Your church, O Lord, when we seem intent
on dividing somebodies from nobodies,
perpetuating medieval myths
of clergy and laity,
nobility and peasant,
erudite and unwashed;
Dividing that which Christ united,
male and female,
slave and free,
ins and outs. (Colossians 3:11)
Save us from the Temple curtain-hangers
who would repair the torn veil
and limit entrance to Your mercy seat. (Matthew 27:51)
Send Your church, O Lord, a new reformation
that puts all believers in touch with mystery,
accountable and capable of changing the world,
having Word and authority
to explode Your Kingdom
into every situation singed by Satan's lie.
Save your church, O Lord, from those
who have tied the Faustian knot
to succumb to the Temptor's offers
of empty worship,
humanitarian showmanship. (Matthew 4:1-11)
Thank you that the Kingdom has no franchise,
that Church is not tradition.
Thank you that you do not give
kingdom keys to pedigreed autocrats,
but to those who proclaim the truth
of the living, reigning Christ
come to save, and heal,
and release His prisoners of grace
into a world of lesser thrones.
Open my mouth, Lord, and let me tell
those You bring across my path
the gracious mercy of Your love,
the wondrous news that Heaven laughs.
Bless Thy faithful churches all
who gather round the bread and cup
in living room or high cathedral,
struck down, but never giving up.
The Lord God says, "I am the one laying a foundation in Zion, a stone, a tested stone,
a precious cornerstone, of a sure foundation: the trusting will never be toppled."
(Isaiah 28:16)
Jesus, Precious Cornerstone:
I recall the day my father laid a cornerstone
at our little country church.
I was eight or ten and watched those saints
now long departed gather round the empty place
that soon would hold one gleaming white stone.
Behind the stone a concave space was carved
to hold a time capsule in which was a Bible
and lesser words that defined us then.
Nothing structural hung on that stone,
only our hopes that posterity might find
a memorial to faith.
How different the cornerstone of ancient times;
not symbol, but architectural necessity.
That massive monolith must both
bear the weight and align the structure.
Were it not perpendicular and true,
the walls would fall.
Were it not free of fault,
the temple would topple.
We praise You, Jesus, that You are True
and fault-free, able to bear the weight
of Calvary and all my sin.
We thank you, Jesus, that you have made us
living stones in the temple of Your Body (1 Peter 2:5),
rubbed by the friction of our imperfections
into tighter interlock.
May Your precious sacrifice,
be the foundation of all our hopes.
May we look to you alone,
as the only name and source
of God's salvation.
We repent of the the detritis
with which we've sought to build our futures,
from lesser things that will not bear the weight
and raise a crooked dividing wall.
Set us straight. Clear the rubble.
Smash all pretensions to Your Throne
upon the Rock higher than I (Psalm 61:2).
Let us sing of Zion's Savior,
Let us be Your living stones.
The (members of the Sanhedrin) couldn't take their eyes off them—Peter and John standing there so confident, so sure of themselves! Their fascination deepened when they realized these two were laymen with no training in Scripture or formal education. They recognized they had been with Jesus, but with the man right before them, seeing him standing there so upright—so healed!—what could
they say against that?
They sent them out of the room so they could work out a plan. They talked it over: "What can we do with these men? By now it's known all over town that a miracle has occurred, and that they are behind it. There is no way we can refute that. But so that it doesn't go any
further, let's silence them with threats so they won't dare to use Jesus' name ever again with anyone."
They called them back and warned them that they were on no account ever again to speak or teach in the name of Jesus. But Peter and John spoke right back, "Whether it's right in God's eyes to listen to you rather than to God, you decide. As for us, there's no
question—we can't keep quiet about what we've seen and heard."
(Acts 4:13-20)
Lord Jesus:
In this chapter begins the sad saga
that continues to our very day,
of saints harassed and hounded,
threatened and even killed for faith.
Would our persecuters recognize
that we have been with you?
You told us that if we live Your life
that we would be persecuted. (John 15:18-20)
So what does it mean that we have no perseuctors,
that we are so well thought of,
that we, conditioned by political correctness,
choke on Your name for fear of giving offense?
Peter would later write that we followers of Christ
should not be surprised
when fiery trials come to test us (I Peter 4:12-19).
So why do we act so shocked
when the world slanders our Savior
and portrays his people
as superstitious dangers to the commonweal?
Why are we surprised
when prayer is pitched from public schools
and Christmas made the Winter Holiday?
These first-world pains are nothing compared to pastors jailed
and threatened with their lives in China and Iran.
But how we yearn for Christendom,
the good old days when people knew
who Jesus was, when Presidents prayed,
and Coke was a nickel.
It is far easier to be the majority,
but Your true Church is and always has been
watered by the blood of martyrs,
confessing Christ to tyrrants.
Teach us your resources for meeting persecution,
as you gave to Peter and John
that historic day persecution began.
Give us faith in the Promise of our Lord --
that He will give us words to say
when we stand toe-to-toe with Satan's bunch. (Mark 13:11)
Give us Poise as you did Simon Peter
who, not seven weeks, before,
denied His Lord to a milkmaid;
yet here stands the Fisherman
before the Supreme Council with confidence,
proclaiming the resurrected Jesus
and calling out their travesty of justice
for what it was -- murder.
Give us Proof of Your ever-present help in trouble;
Let the trophies of your grace
like the beggar healed and upright
number us among their intercessors.
Connect us to bleeding believers
who praise You for Your faithfulness,
and tell of miracles only martyrs see.
Give us Partners for the struggle,
like that early fellowship,
people who will have our back,
not fair-weathered pollyannas
who cozy up with tyrrants
and keep their guilty silence
as martyrs are led away.
And teach us the true power of Prayer
as did those friends of Peter,
to trust in Your predestined plan
when we have made all wrong choices;
to know Your Word is true
and Your saints secure
beneanth the Cross.
So let us meet the trials each day
equipped and ready by Your Word
to answer back our Adversary,
Christ is Lord o'er all the world.
As soon as Peter and John were let go, they went to their friends and told them what the high priests and religious leaders had said. Hearing the report, they lifted their voices in a wonderful harmony in prayer: "Strong God, you made heaven and earth and sea and everything in them. By the Holy Spirit you spoke through the mouth of your servant and our father, David:
Why the big noise, nations?
Why the mean plots, peoples?
Earth's leaders push for position,
Potentates meet for summit talks,
The God-deniers, the Messiah-defiers!
"For in fact they did meet—Herod and Pontius Pilate with nations and peoples, even Israel itself!—met in this very city to plot against your holy Son Jesus, the One you made Messiah, to carry out the plans you long ago set in motion.
"And now they're at it again! Take care of their threats and give your servants fearless confidence in preaching your Message, as you stretch out your hand to us in healings and miracles and wonders done in the name of your holy servant Jesus."
While they were praying, the place where they were meeting trembled and shook. They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak God's Word with fearless confidence. The whole congregation of believers was united as one—one heart, one mind!
(Acts 4:23-33)
Strong God:
We pray to You as those first Christians prayed,
that you would protect those persecuted
for the sake of Christ.
We pray for believers in China and in Egypt
and throughout the Muslim world,
where Ishmael still plots revenge on Israel.
In our country, pastors who rightly profess
that Islam is not a true religion
are hounded in the press
and candidates who profess any faith
are ridiculed for their stand.
In our living rooms each night
by the boob-tube's crackling fire
homosexuals and atheists are the norm,
Christians, the plotters and crackpot cult. that we must face such persuction
that we will not fear nor cower
at the feet of infidels.
Show from Your Word how to overcome
every sin and intimidation.
Drive us to our knees,
confessing Your Sovereign love and power;
that nothing happens to Your faithful
without your permission and divine rule.
Drive us to Your Word for comfort,
and as our faithful forebears found,
knowledge of demonic tactics
turned to Kingdom strategy.
Drive us to Your Spirit's cover
when all about the world is shaking,
when signs and wonders from above
give witness to Your impending entry.
Drive us to such generosoity
that we might have each other's back
and there take the slings and arrows
meant for friends who claim Your name.
Protect dear Becky in East Asia,
and faithful Sonam in Ladakh.
For the saints in Guambiano,
for every witness known to You.
Let your grace descend upon us,
in this and every time of trial
that we lose not sights of glory
as we walk the second mile.
May the enemies of your Christ,
be confounded and distressed,
May thier plans for mayhem falter
and turn to You, Your Christ confess.
It's not coincidental that God has lead us to Acts 4 this week for my daily Oxygen.
The persecution of believers is definitely on the rise.
O God, why do the heathen rage? (Acts 4:25)
You told us the world hated you and it will hate us,
That the disciple is not above his or her Master.
Protect these believers so far away fro us,
but in the center of your care and will.
Show us how we may help,
how we may share their suffering and rejection,
how to be faithful in spite of those who take offense
at our witness.
Those who have no use for You, O God,
are a daily offense to You;
Every minute of their lives is lived under
Your coming wrath and judgement.
So, while You tarry for the sake of Your elect,
protect them from these scoundrels
who act in ignorance but still
offend Your grace.
There is no joy in imprecatory prayers,
but confound the intentions of Your enemies,
bring to nothing their plans for mayhem.
Open our hearts and hands to do Your will,
not just in my local sphere
but for the Kingdom come in Ladoch
and wherever Your Spirit calls
to You those being saved.
"Lord Jesus, look upon their threats
and grant to your servants boldness
to speak Your Word while You stretch
Your hand to heal and work Your signs and wonders
through your Holy Servant and our Savior, Jesus." (Acts 4:29)
The whole congregation of believers was united as one—one heart, one mind! They didn't even claim ownership of their own possessions. No one said, "That's mine; you can't have it." They shared everything. The apostles gave powerful witness to the resurrection of the Master Jesus, and grace was on all of them.
(Acts 4:32-33)
Lord Jesus:
How glorious when brothers dwell
together in unity! (Psalm 133:1)
How absolutely privileged we are
whenever we catch a glimpse
of that unity of Spirit, heart, and mind
in ours or any fellowship.
How rare it is in this world of pledge drives,
building funds and cleric's pay
to find a people who, if asked,
would give it all away.
How I thank You for our Gatherings,
united in Your Holy Spirit --
that we have not been divided,
although as Peter, John and their friends soon discovered,
we have been persecuted by frocked folks
who told us we cannot meet
nor lift your Holy Name above the broken bread and cup.
I thank you that your unity
can break out anywhere!
And for the grace that overcomes
our reluctance to freely share.
Now hold us steady that we fear not sacrifice
if a borther or sister stands in need
for all our possessions are given us in trust;
all is Yours, and never is prosperity so at risk
as when we do not share.
It's what we mean when we say,
"I've got your back."
Lord, you have our front;
now lead and we will follow.
You own it all and we cannot truly say,
"That's mine -- you can't have it,"
although we lie to ourselves continually
about our stewardship.
Set us in your Victory cyle --
persecution leads to prayer,
prayer leads to sharing,
sharing leads to bolder witness,
bolder witness leads to grace and growth.
Forgive us for playing it safe,
for taking as our model
the man who buried his Master's money
until the day of final accounting; (Matthew 25:14-30)
for clustering in our church and houses
as solitary individualists,
clutching our stuff like dying folk
clutch their heart and find it gone.
Come to earth in every place
Your precious Name is called,
and let the measure of our sharing
be the share of grace outpoured.
And so it turned out that not a person among the early church was needy. Those who owned fields or
houses sold them and brought the price of the sale to the apostles and made an offering of
it. The apostles then distributed it according to each person's need.
Joseph, called by the apostles "Barnabas" (which means "Son of Comfort"), a Levite born in
Cyprus, sold a field that he owned, brought the money, and made an offering of it to the
apostles. But a man named Ananias—his wife, Sapphira, conniving in this with him—sold a
piece of land, secretly kept part of the price for himself, and then brought the rest to
the apostles and made an offering of it.
Peter said, "Ananias, how did Satan get you to lie to the Holy Spirit and secretly keep
back part of the price of the field? Before you sold it, it was all yours, and after you
sold it, the money was yours to do with as you wished. So what got into you to pull a trick
like this? You didn't lie to men but to God." Ananias, when he heard those words, fell down
dead. That put the fear of God into everyone who heard of it.
(Acts 4:35-5:6)
Holy God:
Your Word pulls no punches.
Had this been written by propagandists
as skeptics claim
we would have no record of such duplicity,
only a golden age of communal sharing.
But here is recorded the history of Your people,
like Cromwell's portrait,
warts and all.
Skeptics declare "The Church is full of hypocrites,"
as the reason they won't attend;
And it's true -- the order of Ananias
occupies many a pew.
For since that day in Jerusalem
two streams of Christianity diverge,
one small and narrow,
fast-flowing toward sharing, love and grace
the other broad and sluggish
toward self and empty rituals
of compartmentalized devotion.
Satan is always close by Your Elect,
to offer temptations as a test
which You use to strengthen
justified sinners struggling
with Your sanctification.
This is the first recorded episode
of Satan's testing of the Church.
Satan's MO is all over this,
same as when the Temptor
showed his guile to another couple
in Eden's garden,
showed his cunning to our Savior
in the wilderness.
Turn stones to bread --
force God to act,
Bow down to cunning and deceit.
And Ananias took the bait.
As do we all when we want to be seen
as generous when in fact
we ache with greed;
when we compare ourselves to others
and take our eyes off Christ
and make of faith hypocrisy.
Thank you that you do not strike down
every uncalled believer
who ultimately proves faithless.
But this event was the very first of its kind
and You wanted to make the point,
and you did, for great fear
came on the entire church,
now fifteen to twenty thousand strong,
that You are a God to be reckoned with.
I want to be like Barnabas,
not Ananias or his wife.
Help me to faithfully declare
the truth about my life.
I want to hold things loosely
and cling to people dear.
Help me be a "son of comfort"
bringing Godly cheer.
I want to live by truth, not guile,
and bring to Jesus' feet
The offering of a contrite heart,
faith that begs be made complete.
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